Paddle Prairie School host Business Expo

Paddle Prairie School hosted a Business Expo in April! Students who have been taking business class showcased their entrepreneurial spirit to other students, staff, parents and community members.
"We have had a business class running with our grade 9 to grade 12 students as part of Career and Technology Studies (CTS) courses," said Lucas Whittle, Paddle Prairie School Teacher. "They have been working really hard to get their businesses up and running. We did a lot of market research in the beginning to find out what businesses the community needed. The school invested some money into the businesses; everyone got $100 which had to be paid back as the businesses went on. We wanted to make it as realistic as possible for the students where you pay back your investments and do your market research. We did the business expo to show off the work to the community so far and plus we found out it's hard to reach a lot of people in Paddle Prairie. A lot of people don't have social media so we found it easier to have something like this so people can come and physically see stuff, buy things, try things and that way maybe help their businesses grow."
The following businesses were on display:
- KCJ Auto Detailing - Carly Cardinal, Kaylee Cardinal, Jadyn Farnel (grade 9)
- Paddle Bakes (cupcakes and pop) - Levis Poitras (grade 10), Shayle Ducharme (grade 9), Tarynce Ducharme (grade 9), Kyler Hamelin (grade 9)
- Paddle Fine Slices - Joseph Poitras (grade 10), Austin Lizotte (grade 11), Levi Yellowknee (grade 10), Mitch Moberly (grade 11), Easton Wanuch (grade 11), Jordin Ducharme (grade 10)
- E.A.T. (cotton candy, caramel, popcorn, pop and chips)
- K and M Signs and Designs - Kaylyn Piper (grade 9), Morgan Roe (grade 11)
The Business Expo was well attended by parents and community members. Whittle says students have been very motivated to learn how to operate a business and at the same time make some money. He added the response from parents and community members is positive.
"I think parents are really enjoying our Moving Forward with High Redesign approach," said Whittle. "They really enjoy CTS Weeks and events like the Business Expo. Parents and community members are always willing to lend a helping hand at the school and help their students at home. We actually have a business in our class who's parents own a business. So at home their parents are teaching them how to keep ledgers and how to keep information and money organized."
When asked future plans for the business expo, Whittle says he would like to see a division-wide business expo developed so more students in Northland School Division could showcase their entrepreneurial spirit!
Paddle Prairie School host Business Expo