Paddle Prairie celebrates Aboriginal Day

A celebration of Aboriginal values, customs, language and culture is attracting visitors and residents in the Paddle Prairie Métis Settlement. The settlements three-day Métis Culture Days officially kicked off on Aboriginal Day which takes place annually on June 21st. Paddle Prairie School and Dr. Mary Jackson School (Keg River) students and staff, parents, Elders, community members and guests organized and participated in a variety of workshops at the community hall. On June 21st, Gilbert Parent from Les Bucherons, hosted sessions on how to make a mini Métis Sash and how to play wooden spoons. After creating music with spoons, students lined up in droves to make Fish Scale Art with Yvonne Fornaul, adults took on the challenge of making moccasins with Josephine Didzeena and students developed knowledge from local Elders about cutting moose meat. Outside the community hall, people gathered to listen to Métis fiddlers and assemble a tipi. Métis Culture Days is on until June 23rd.
See pictures below!
Paddle Prairie School celebrates Aboriginal Day