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Mr. Lucas Whittle

Photo of Lucas Whittle


Phone: 780-981-2124

Lucas is originally from a small town in Newfoundland called Little St. Lawrence. He has lived in Northern Alberta for 8 years and currently lives with his family in High Level. This is Lucas' 6th year teaching at Paddle Prairie School and his 3rd year as the principal. In addition to being the principal, Lucas also teaches a High School CTS course. 

What do you love about teaching?

"My favorite part of teaching is interacting with students, parents, and families. I love seeing students succeeding in and out of school. Building connections with the students and school community is a wonderful part of my current role". 

Tell us something about yourself.

"I am really enjoying my role as a dad and just spending quality time with my family and friends. I enjoy exercising both my mind and body and love learning new things. I also really enjoy the outdoors when it is warm enough to breathe outside!".